Friday, January 14, 2011


Yesterday I stated that the best day of the week was Pay Day. Yet, that is very much open to debate. For you see, many people would say that Friday is the best day of the week; it's the day before our 2 day break from work and our 48 hour freedom. The weekend is a time where anything can happen (that's right kids...dreams do come true!). For myself, Friday is a workday only up til 12:00p.m. After that, it's more of a countdown to freedom and less about what this past week has entailed.

Of course, if you happen to be Jason the Serial Killer or work in retail (as I once did), Friday is nothing special. In fact, you may be off on a Friday only to have to open a store on Saturday (or Sunday). But let's not digress on the "what if's". For you cubicle employees, Friday is a day to be happy. Actually, if the prior day was Payday and today is your last day of the work week, then you're probably floating on cloud 9 right now. I look at the clock on my phone and my computer and see the minutes passing by, closer to that 5:00p.m. punch out.

Yet, the weekend has changed for me over the years. What was once a break from school and homework and being about hanging out with friends and playing video games, it is not the same anymore. Instead, once I leave work, I go to pick up my fiancee and decide what our goals are for the weekend. Do we catch up on a show? Do we have to run errands? Or more importantly now, do we plan for the wedding now that work and any other weekday activities are done with?

As much as I would like to sleep in late and watch cartoons with my bowl of cereal, I'd just be wasting precious time. Friday's for me (and not always, but sometimes) is a reminder of what used to be. If you continue reading my blog posts or know me, you will know I am a nostalgic person. I long for a lot of what's past, but I know some of it's unobtainable. I do look forward to the future and I'm glad life is progressing, but it seems a lot of those carefree days are but memories of a past long long ago.

But let's not dwell on the past right now. Let's look forward to the future and more specifically, the weekend! I for one plan on booking my honeymoon destinations and meet with our Rabbi who will be officiating our ceremony. I have a lot of good things in store for me and I'm anxious for the weekend to begin so I can get a jump on them. What about you? Have any fun plans? If so, post them in response to this blog and let's hear about it. As much as I like to hear myself talk, I'd much prefer to hear from the readers.

Until Monday, have a great, safe, and fun 2 day weekend!