Thursday, January 13, 2011

Pay Day: The Best Day of the Week!

So here we are on another sunny Thursday. The snow has passed, the sun is out, and life at work is back to normal (well as normal as it can get). However, the best part of today is that it is PAY DAY! That magical day where all your hard work is summed up in one amount, direct deposited in your bank account, and makes everything better. At least for me. It feels great to know that I have some money to burn (the majority goes to bills and my upcoming wedding), but it does ease some stress off.

Now by no means am I a paycheck-to-paycheck kind of guy. I do have savings, I do not spend everything, but I don't live lavishly either. I make sure my bills are paid every month and I still try to have some spending money for those weekend movies, hanging out with friends, and so on. Yet, I just can't help but fill more giddy than normal on pay day. The "every other Thursday of the month" is the best day of my work week. But should it be?

Should I only look forward to the paycheck? That's always been my philosophy: I don't work just for the paycheck. I want to enjoy my job and have that as my main reward. Yet, I don't live in a lollipop and gumdrop world where everything is just dandy. Instead, I have a job (I should be thankful, right?) and it's not what I want to be doing. So even though I try to make the best of it, the paycheck in this situation is the best part of the job. In past jobs, I didn't look forward to the paycheck as much as just getting to go into work, but you grow up and you don't always get your way.

I still have no doubt that I will find the career job I want, but it hasn't happened yet!! So I have to find the small victories and in this case, the monetary victories. The paycheck is a great incentive and I for one am grateful to be getting one (well 2 actually every month).

Lastly, I plan on updating this blog page this weekend to make it more homely (e.g. pictures, better layouts, etc.) so be on the lookout for that.

Until then, I've got some money to burn...

- Polan