Friday, November 4, 2011

9 left...

The world looks different in your shoes. But it goes both ways too.
I'm not sure what's wrong with me. I've always thought of myself as an empathetic person who is there to listen to a friend in need. Yet recently, I don't think that's been the case. Case in point: The Fiancee. We've been arguing about this and that (some my fault, some hers, and some our families), but I'm having a hard time walking in her shoes when it comes to understanding the situation. Is it me?

What's weird is that I am fully aware of how I am (re)acting toward her when these discussions turn to confrontations. I don't plan on being specific (that's between her and I), but there comes a point where one side says "you just have to accept things as they are". Do I though? Since when do I have to compromise who I am just for the sake of "accepting". Why can't we change the status quo? Why can't the fact that we're getting married trump everything else? Is it naive to think that or am I the one that needs to change?

With 9 days left, I can't go into this marriage with resentment. Or anger. Or an apathetic mindset. I want to look forward to what's to come and welcome it. But as the days get closer, it's starting to get more and more harder.

I know I'm far from perfect and as much as it might not seem, I am trying to change. I am trying to be more sympathetic and empathetic toward her predicament (with me or anyone else in her life). My goal is to not just dismiss her feelings or make them invalid. But I don't know why I can't. I don't know why I keep blaming her for other people. I do have some theories. One is that she's ok with how things are and even though they bother me, that's not enough to stir some feathers. Regardless if anything changes, it would just be nice to know that I have someone in my corner. None of this "it's not about you" rationale. Of course, as I'm writing this, I understand that this makes no sense to the reader and just as much sense to me, haha.

Again, this is therapy for me to get my feelings out on a website, but the underlying issues are still there. They don't disappear when I hit "publish post" or when I come home today. We go to bed more angry than sleepy nowadays and that's a very bad sign of things to come. There is a saying she says and that's: It's better to be happy than right. I can agree with that up to a point, but not always. Sometimes you need to be right and sometimes you have to address the sore issues in our relationship. Yes, they are going to stir up ill feelings and strong emotions, but how else do you grow? How do you begin to move forward from issues that have been around almost as long as our relationship?

You say to not bring them up 9 days before the wedding, but what about when I brought them up a month into the relationship? Or 6 months? Or 2 years? At no time was it the right time and I can't accept that.

So maybe I can't change as quickly as I want. But I will continue to try and I will continue to be a better person than I was yesterday. I make a lot of mistakes and I say the wrong thing more times than I want to admit. But I'm human and I'm a curious being. I need to have logical reasons to questions and understand situations without just being ok with them.

There may only be 9 days left to the wedding, but we've got a lot of days ahead of us.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

10 days to go...

"Broken Glass = Mazel Tov!"

Wow! Has it really been since June 16th that I last posted a blog? Well time sure has escaped me. I guess one reason for that would be...I'M GETTING MARRIED!!! Yet even with only 10 days until the big day (which I am really looking forward to), I can't help but notice that I tend to only post when I'm not in the happiest of moods.

Maybe it's because writing out how you're feeling is a good way to get over your troubles, but I feel like a blog is the best medium to express your thoughts. That is the reason people blog, right? But anyway, my wedding! Over a year and a half in the making and we're now days away. There are still things left to do: finalize the cake details, print out the place cards, programs, pick up the tux, and on and on. It seems like my goal of being done by September, then being down by October, has failed me. When I thought I was making progress, I realized I wasn't going as fast as I should be. I blame myself (for some of it).

Then, when I finally get a whole weekend with no plans other to work on wedding stuff, what happens? A record breaking snowstorm in October comes along, knocks out the power, electricity, and heat in my apartment, and prevents me from doing any work. Really?! So we finally get heat back last night and electricity the day before then and it's back to work. My ideal situation is to be done with everything by this weekend.

Of course I'm still waiting for the caterer and photographer to get back to me to iron out the rest of the details for that, but I am just so stressed. It's normal I think. It's a big milestone in my life and I'm looking forward to marrying my fiancee. I just don't think all of this was necessary. Whereas she wanted a small wedding, I was the hopeless romantic who needed everyone to share our day with the lavish food, live music, etc. Along the way, we had friends/family members get married and once we spoke to them, their one word was "e-l-o-p-e". We chuckled, thinking they were kidding, but they weren't. And we aren't either. I would much rather have just done a very small wedding, go out to dinner, and then off to the honeymoon.

I'm not sure if any of you have gotten married, but I don't need parents telling us 1-2 weeks before the day that the cake is ugly or the chairs are hideous. I don't need the florist telling us that they are going to charge $100-$200 just to add a few flowers to our cake, when we are already giving them an enormous amount of money. I also don't need parents not being for the wedding and not helping out as they should. Not to mention maids of honors who just seem to cause more trouble and more stress than their title should allow.

The truth is that this has not been a pleasant experience for me. I'm not sure if I'm looking forward to the big day because I'm getting married or because I will "hopefully" never have to plan something this big with so many people involved. The honeymoon will be great, but it is getting to that point that I'm dreading. Arguments with the parentals leads to arguments with the engaged couple and nobody wins at that point. So what to do?

Simple: Write a blog. Hope it gets read. If not, then it's something to look back on after all is said and done.

Oy vey, was this a pain in the tuchus!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Hi, my name is J.P. and I'm an addict...

More like: "Spider-Man for J.P. No More!" comic books that is. Seriously! What did you think I was going to say? But I am addicted to them and my friends won't deny that. Neither will my family. Or anyone that knows me. Well you get the point. If you read my post yesterday, then you know that I feel that comics are a big part of why I've been feeling blue these last couple of days. I thought it might help the healing process if I tried to rationalize and examine the reasons these $2.99 picture books are dampening my mood.

Exhibit #1: The collector
I'm a collector in the sense that I need to own them all! In fact, if Pokemon were real, you'd better believe I'd be out there trying to catch 'em all. I'd do whatever it takes to have a full collection, even if I had not intention of using half of them. The same went for comic books. If one series of a character came out, I'd feel the need to buy every series with that character. And don't even get me started on crossovers and checklists. I'm a sucker for them and for comics that share a similar banner at the top of the front cover that designate a connecting theme. It's this reason that led me to buying more and more comics.

Exhibit #2: The price
Although a comic book is not expensive ($2.99 or $3.99 for the average comic book), buying about 90-100 a month is. Even with finding websites online that offer amazing discounts (50%-75% each title), it was still coming to be around $200/month. That's just too much and whereas I have no problem spending that much on something I enjoy, being constantly reminded (e.g. my parents, my bills, etc.) that it's a big cost, it left me with a guilty feeling and one that overshadowed the joy that comics brought to me.

Exhibit #3: The feeling of urgency
If you're anything like me, then you believe that every comic is going to be that one comic that becomes incredibly rare. Even knowing that you have no intention of selling it, you fear that if you don't buy it now, you'll only be able to purchase it later at conventions or Ebay at a much higher price that cover price. Well that's how I felt. I'd get the monthly solicitation and start seeing all the upcoming titles and felt that urgency to ensure I bought each and every one that I was potentially interested in. While I did read all of the new ones that I bought, even ones I thought were sub-par, I'd continue to buy because I was afraid that as soon as I stopped, that's when it would pick up and be rare. So far I haven't been right one.

So with all of these well written (pat on the back) reasons, why would I ever collect comics? Let's now hear from the defense...

Exhibit #1: Escape
That feeling of, even temporarily, escaping from reality and just immersing yourself in a fictional world where you're a spectator. That's how I felt each time I opened up a comic book. It felt great to know there was a place you could go to after a hard and aggravating day of work. Or maybe somebody said something to you that just got on your nerves and you needed to unwind. Movies used to do that for me. Video games used to do that for me. But comics were very consistent in fulfilling this requirement.

Exhibit #2: Joy
There wasn't a greater feeling I got (aside from being with my you!!!) when that monthly box of comics came in and I started checking them off against the packing list. From there, I would organize them into the week that they came out, bag and board them, and eventually add them to my ever-growing list in Excel. I would update my checklists, continue reading a good storyline, and feel that I was on top of what was going on in the Marvel and DC universe (I could care less, with the exception of Walking Dead, for any other publisher). I loved seeing the artwork, having the story come to life in my head, and eagerly wait until the next issue. Plus it was nice to be able to talk to my one good friend about the stories and have that joy of dialogue.

I miss all of this. I can't seem to justify spending all that money anymore, especially when I know I'm about to be receiving a lot more expenses in the upcoming months and years. If I could, I'd love to be able to pay for everything, but I don't see myself striking oil or winning the lottery anytime soon. However I do have a plant and that plan does include a Masters degree and eventually a higher paying job. Then again, that could just mean that I have more money for savings and for a family at some point.

See where the vicious circle of fiscal responsibility comes into play?

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Which Path to Take?

Yup. That's how I've been feeling.
 Well it sure has been awhile since I posted the last blog. Since that time, I've been busy with wedding planning, work, and anything in between really. What started as a fun side project just to entertain myself during the workday and hopefully to you readers, became a distant thought in recent weeks. I'm not sure what's going on in my head, but I think I've lost my way.

If you've been following my blog (please say you have), then you know all about my attitude towards my job, my recent job interview that did not go as planned, and just how I've felt in general. Well in truth, I'm not sure why I've been feeling down since a few days ago, but I can't seem to shake this attitude. Personally, I equate it to me quitting my comic book collection (oh I'm soooo cool) at the end of March. When I first quit, I didn't feel upset or even down about it. I figured it had taken up a lot of my time and money and it was good to part ways. But lately, I feel like the emotions I should have expressed 3 months ago are starting to surface.

Think of it as an addiction (sadly). You separate yourself from the one thing you love or need (or think you need), and you start to act outside of your character. I feel like the one thing/one hobby/one activity that I loved doing is gone and I can't understand why. It was a $200/month hobby and I couldn't afford it. Well, that's not true. I could afford it, but it would make my upcoming marriage a little difficult as that is $200/month that could be going towards bills, loans, and other necessities. So the logical choice was to give it up. Right?

Well I thought so too at first. I was gung-ho actually and happy to be free of this burden. I went back to video games I have accumulated over the last couple of years, starting catching up on anime (told you I was cool), and felt like I got some piece of my free time back. So why the sudden shift back into depression-like status? I'm not sure. I can't pinpoint what exactly started this downward spiral, but I have a few thoughts.

The first is all the summer superhero movies coming out. From Thor, X-Men, Green Lantern, and Captain America, it got me thinking about all the stories I had read about them and all of the stories I'd never get to see. Now before I go further, let me just explain: I understand that comics are not real and reading the stories that Marvel and DC publish is not a life necessity. But I can't justify why I feel I need to read them. Call it an addiction, obsession, or just love of the "escape from reality into a fictional world" mentality, I miss it. Especially with all of the comic book story lines coming out: Flashpoint, Fear Itself, Spider-Island, and so on. It was something to be a part of and I loved it.

Another reason includes my friends. See, one of my friends works at a comic book store and another friend just enjoys the genre. They have been seeing all the new blockbuster superhero movies coming out at the midnight showing. Sadly, because I have to get up early in the morning, I've been unable to attend and they refuse to wait a few hours until I can see it later the same day. I associate collecting and reading comics as a substitute for my friends, sadly enough. Comics don't let you down (at least the same way that your friends do when they honestly can't wait a few hours to see a movie). It's gotten to the point where I don't even want to hang out with them (and other reasons aside from my movie going example).

The third reason is life. Life is happening and I just don't feel like I'm going anywhere. I work at a job I don't particularly love and comics was my justification for working hard everyday. It was that past-time activity that I would do when I came home at 5:30 p.m. And for those who are about to get the wrong idea, my upcoming marriage. I'm stoked and thrilled to get married, but everyone needs a hobby to themselves. Comics was mine. Well before that it was games and before that it was movies. Which brings me to my fourth point.

Since I will be getting married, I've started selling my games and movies I've collected over the past decade. It's not even the fact that I'm getting practically nothing for them, but the fact that I'm getting rid of them. I feel like I'm getting rid of a piece of myself and for what reason? Because I don't have space? Because my parents don't want it in the house? Because any additional cash will be worth it in the upcoming months? Even with all those reasons, it's hard to part with something that you've invested a lot of time into.

Then of course is the job situation. I graduated with a bachelor's degree and with no experience. I'm not sure about the rest of you, but it's hard to get a job when you can't even meet the core requirements of an entry level position. Not to mention that your own company doesn't see the worth in promoting you or allowing you to gain experience in your field. If it was up to me, I'd just pack up and leave (and I mean that in general). I'd come home right now, pack up my stuff, take my money, and then start driving. I've been thinking about it for a long-time now and even though it won't happen, I've felt like I needed to go find myself to feel whole again.

But enough of that happy topic, har har....

I have been trying to be proactive in a few areas and those include: 1) sending a letter to a local university about their evening masters program that I hope to attend later this year/early next year. 2) with the aid of my fiancee, I am looking into possibly collaborating on some upcoming marketing projects at her current place of employment. 3) at my work, I have been working on shadowing co-workers in my field to gain some knowledge and experience.

While the process is slow, I am trying to rebound from this wave of negative emotions, but it's taking time. I seem to keep relapsing every so often so I'm not sure when and if I'll ever feel back to "normal".

So to thank you for reading this incredibly long blog (it really is long), make sure to check out the web comic strip that brings a smile to my face every morning. I now introduce you to:

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What am I doing?

I didn't get my "dream" job at my company. There were four other applicants and it's a safe guess that I ranked #3 or #4. I'm upset; I can't deny that. But through all the anger and emotions, I decided to take a look at a blog I've been too lazy to read as of late. The blog is Zen Habits and the link to the post I read is:

So why am I posting now, a good month since my last one? It's because I need to get everything out and this is the best and most constructive way I can think of. I found out officially this morning that I did not get the position, after the HR rep left me a voice message saying she wanted me to call her to see how I thought the interviews went. I already knew the outcome, but when I called her back, it started with her explaining that they were going in a different direction. But let me back up a bit to when I really started to know...

I was Monday morning and my friend and co-worker informed me that she had been asked to go for a 3rd interview (she was also applying for the same job). When she asked me if I also got the e-mail, I did not and knew what that meant. Many people tried to rationalize that it could mean anything (they wanted more information from her, they wanted to be sure of her, blah blah blah). But I knew what it meant; she was moving on and I was done. Now I completely understand that no one is automatically supposed to give me a job just because I apply, but how else am I supposed to feel? Thankful I still have a job? Glad I tried out at least? Gotten more experience for interviewing? C'mon.

So I spent the remainder of Monday and most of Tuesday in a downhill spiral of emotions. Then on Tuesday afternoon, my friend told me that they asked her to interview with the 3rd person because the position was between her and one other person (an HR rep for the company) and it was up to this individual to make the final decision. Well let me just say my mood didn't improve in the slightest. All I could think about was how much I hated being where I was (take that anyway you want). I convinced myself I would stay home on Wednesday because I couldn't face coming into this place.

Well, I came home, unwound, and decided to come in today (also thanks to an email from my fiancee). But on my way here, all I could think about was how unfair I thought this was and did everything I could to keep my emotions in check. I was on the verge of tears, I was so mad in the face, and the last thing I wanted to do was walk into that building. And now you know the background information.

So I was reading this blog and it talked about what's important in life and how our views get skewed by so many factors. And it got me thinking that I don't even know what's important to me. All along I was convinced I needed a marketing job (and probably still do to a certain degree), but I've been wasting all this energy. I complain about not getting a job I want, but I don't apply anywhere except within my company. I complain about me not being in shape, but I don't even exercise when I have free time. I complained about not having any free time, but I really do. So what's the next step?

I need to seriously re-evaluate my priorities. I think I've been so obsessed over this goal that it makes no sense to be. Yes, it does make sense to want to strive for something, but just like with my comic collecting (which I've stopped), I became so absorbed that any negative change is like a blow to the head. So I'm not sure where I'm going from here. I don't want to make empty promises. And sadly I can't just get in my car and leave; too many responsibilities.

But I think it's time I take that first step towards change and see where I end up.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My tummy hurts!

It. Hurts. So Much. Darn. LIGHTNING BOLTS!!!
I woke up feeling pretty sick this morning. It was 5:20 a.m. and I felt like I was going to throw-up (eww gross, right?!). On top of that, I had some really bad chills to the point where I thought I was never going to stop shaking. I took two Pepto Bismol pills and voila, I'm at work. I'm not feeling 100% great, but I figured I was good enough to go to work. So that was my morning, how was yours? Haha.

But really folks, I came upon a self-realization this morning as I was thinking about my blog. Here I am complaining about my job (or just jobs in general) when there are so many who are unemployed in one form or another. Who wants to read about someone that has a job and can't appreciate? Not me, that's for sure. Yet, I still continue to write. I'm not sure of the real reason(s) behind it, but I'm past the point where "You should be thankful you have a job" has any real impact on me. I don't mean to sound cold, but it's the truth. Yes, I am very thankful I have a job and that's why I work hard when I'm there. That's why I give it my best from 8:30-5:00 p.m. M-F. But I'm still allowed to be unhappy.

I'm not in the job I want to do for the rest of my life, plain and simple. I know. You probably know. It's a fact. So just because I'm one of the lucky to have a place to come to everyday and get paid, doesn't mean that all my problems just drift away. They are still there and they are still evident. Now, does that mean I'm going to quit before getting into a position that I want? Heck no, geronimo (I just wanted to rhyme). But it does mean I'm still a realist to my current situation.

So where am I headed with this? I'm not really sure. Earlier this month I touched upon my 1-for-1 initiative. This was in regard to me applying to 1 job a day. Well surprise surprise, that didn't really happen. I don't know why I didn't follow through, but I did apply to one job. It's within my company and it's closer to the marketing path than where I am at now. I've followed up since sending out my resume and am just waiting to hear back if I will get an interview. I don't know what's to come, but I know I have to make more of an effort.

Anyone can tell you that when it comes to me and comics, I won't slack. And really it's the same with my job. But for some reason, applying has been a struggle. It could be that I've gotten disheartened about the lack of experience I have or the lack of flashy-ness my resume and cover letter lack, but I need to change. I have researched more effective documents to send for the applications and I have accepted that whatever skills I have, I have to showcase them.

So here goes *cough cough* (remember I'm sick?) nothing with the 1-for-1 Initiative v2!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Remember the Good 'Ol Days?!

Gotta catch 'em all...POKEMON!!!
I'm feeling nostalgic. It's nothing to new for me, but I've been thinking about the past more often recently than ever before. I'm not entirely sure why, but everyday there's some new old thought that pops up in my mind that may or may not have anything to do with what's going on in my life at that moment.

For example, I went out to eat yesterday with some friends and we started talking about Pokemon. The new game came out a few days ago and it made me think about 7th/8th grade when the very first game reached the U.S. shores. I started thinking about the actual game (pretty normal considering the topic), but then my mind started wandering to other events around that timeframe. And that's how it's been recently.

Whether it's when I'm waking up, sitting at work, driving home, or lying in bed, I can't help stopping to think about the past. Maybe it's because I'm feeling unhappy or in this "life slump" for a while. I'm not really sure what the cause is, but it's starting to drive me crazy. See, there's nothing wrong about thinking of past memories, but when it starts to really affect how you're feeling, that's when it's starting to take over my day.

So what to do about it? I can think about upcoming events (e.g. my wedding...w00t!), but sooner or later those older thoughts re-surface. It could be about a TV show, video games, what I used to do after school, who I used to hang out with, my hobbies, or anything under the sun. I'm not saying that I want to forget my experiences that have led me to this point in time, but I can't seem to get a handle on them.

I have friends who could care less about the present, let alone the past. I have others who simply acknowledge that what once was is done and there's no point thinking about it. For those of you who know me (and probably the ones reading this), know me a little too well to know that I'm more than just a "simply" nostalgic kind of guy. I could have a whole dinner conversation on it (which I'm sure I have before) and sometimes it's fun to talk about the glory days.

Other times, when I'm left to my own thoughts, it's a little disheartening to remember these events and then realize where I am in my life. Sure, a lot of things are going really good for me, but the ones that aren't are the ones that my nostalgic feeds upon. In conclusion (ah the elementary school years), I'm not going to publicly post this one on facebook, so we'll see who actually reads this. As always, I'm not sure where I was headed with this post (or rant if you will), but I needed to get it out there.

Just another thought to come back to later down the road.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The 1-For-1 Initiative!

If you say so smiley face....if you say...
Why do we write blogs? Is it to just share with the world what we're thinking or do some of us hope that our words have an impact on those reading them? It's a mixture of both for me, but I write because it makes me feel better. What good is (mind) bottling your emotions and thoughts inside of your head and let them fester? Don't you think it's better to get it off your chest and what better way than a blog!

So that's the topic for today: Emotions. We all have them and we all don't always want them. Sometimes you'd believe that it'd be easier to not feel anything than go through the roller coaster of feelings. I mean, there's nothing wrong with feelings, but when they start to overpower you and control your day, that's when I draw the line. So needless to say, I've had a lot of thoughts lately. Work, life, saving, blah blah blah. It's always the same song and dance routine, but one that just doesn't go away. I think that, "Hey, if I pay off my school loan, I'll feel better" or "Maybe today is the day I'll be pro-active and send out my resume", but that's wishful thinking. I still have 6.5 years to pay off my loan at a large amount each month and by the time I get home from work, I'm too exhausted to spend my last few free hours of the day applying to jobs.

Maybe (this is in regard to job hunting) it's the feeling that I've gotten rejected so many times or the fact that I have little experience in my field of interest, but I've gotten to that safety zone. That zone where what I do everyday may not be great (and even downright depressing), but it's something I'm used to and can do with little difficulty. But that's not where I want to be in life. I see hard working people (my age) and just wonder what I could have done differently up to this point or even change moving forward.

So that's my goal for the month of March. It's time to stop dreaming of change and to start making it happen. So for that, I'm instituting the "1-for-1" program. Simply speaking, I'm going to apply for 1 job everyday this month. I've already failed at doing this yesterday and there's a good chance I'm not going to do it tonight, but on Thursday, I will apply to 3 jobs. From that point forward, it will be 1 application a day. This may not lead to anything right away, but I have a much better chance than just going to my job everyday and hoping something comes along (without any input from me).

Strange enough, I'm already starting to feel better. I guess that just happens sometimes when you finally get what was bothering you out into the open. But sadly that's not all of my woes. There are other issues I (feel) I am dealing with and I'm trying to work on them. Some of them are short term and some may be longer than I like. But I can't keeping going on the way I've been. It's not healthy for me or for those around me; they don't deserve it.

I want to be happy, plain and simple. And I think I can achieve that with a little hard work. I've always been a firm believer that we have the power to change our attitude (even though I do believe in destiny and what's meant to happen will happen). But when you come home at the end of a work day (Monday through Friday) and the only thing you want to do is just be alone in your room, that's when I know I've hit my breaking point. I'm not going to whine about my past anymore (or at least try to) and be jealous of those who have it better than me. I may not be where I thought I would end up at this point in my life when I was younger, but it doesn't mean it's unobtainable. It might just be a while until I'm caught up.

So that's it from me for today. It's also the reason I haven't posted in a while. My blogs might not be in a chronological reading order where each (or any) of them matter, but they do to me. For that reason, I want to make sure each one is substantial and has a specific purpose in mind.

So thank you for reading and I'll keep you updated on my 1-for-1 job hunting initiative!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Extra! Extra! It's the Afternoon!

He's serious about that "EXTRA!"...and you should be too!
This last leg of the day can either go very fast or dreadfully slow. I'm not sure why (aside from my work is caught up and I'm just staring at the clock), but it always goes slower the day before you have off. That's right readers! Yours truly is taking a vacation day tomorrow to go on a 3 day weekend road trip with his fiancee to Maryland. I'll be happy to speak more about my trip once I return, but let's get back to the topic at hand: The Afternoon.

You've returned from lunch, gotten your second (or third, fourth, or fifth) cup of coffee, and nothing is helping to make the time go by faster. You're not allowed to surf the web (speaking of which, why are you reading this right now while you're at work?) and your doodling is barely above a 2-year old. So what better way to pass the time than to write about it, right?

One fun activity I've indulged myself in is looking at the internal job board. Just moments ago, I spoke with a product manager about a new position that would report directly under her and suffice it to say, I feel more disheartened than when I knew little about it. I was hoping this would be an opportunity to shine and finally start to develop my marketing experience, but all it entails is still answering the phone and eventually moving into an outside sales position.

Random Thought: It's 3:33 p.m. as I'm writing this. Make a wish. :End random thought.

So is your day moving faster now that you have something to read? Maybe a little. That's the goal; to make it to 5:00 p.m.. But even after I leave, I still have errands to do before my trip. Oil change, tire rotation, packing, wrapping, and getting gas. I'm in the final stretch and I'm also starving. Did I mention that? I went out for lunch today and got 2 slices of pizza and a root beer. I thought that would be enough to quench my appetite, but I'm starving. I'm looking forward to coming home and finishing my other half of the sub I got yesterday. Plus some popcorn. Ok, I thought I was done with the random thoughts, but it seems this is what keeps me going.

I hope whoever is reading this has managed to kill a few minutes of their day and I hope this helps speed up the rest of the afternoon. Also, I hope you have a great weekend. A big storm is coming so stay dry and make the best of it.

Mmmm...bologna sandwich!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Truth. Liberty. And the American Way.

Oooh, I can see my state from here! NJ for!
Howdy strangers! I know it's been a while since I last blogged, but after a few recent conversations with some friends, it got me thinking. When I originally made a post about 1-2 weeks ago, I spoke about a topic and maybe was a little too honest. I understand that by publicly writing a post, potential and current employers can look at this and make a judgment about me. But why should I have to censor my thoughts? Why is it a crime to speak freely and honestly, especially when I don't name names or places. I'm not typing my thoughts to cause a stir, but to express myself. So for that, I'm not going to apologize.

I had another topic in mind for today's post, but I think I'm going to save it. I just really want to talk about the online community and how it can affect someone's future. I remember being a told a story about a possible candidate for a company. This individual (not me, I promise) interviewed very well and they looked like a shoe-in. However, the employer did some background checks and stumbled upon the individual's facebook page. Needless to say, there were some interesting comments and posts that resulted in the individual not getting the job. So is that fair? It depends.

I'm all for using social network tools such as blogs and facebook and myspace (if that still even exists) to do a semi-background check. The truth is, I wouldn't want to hire someone if they posted certain pictures or certain types of posts. It could be a good indicator of how someone is. The flipside is that this may not accurately represent how someone behaves in the workplace. They could be an ideal role model, a hard worker, and a very studious person. Yet, which is more important? I believe a balance of the two are in order.

If someone has no problem posting obscene pictures or posts, I would be hesistant to have them represent my company. But if someone posts comments about his thoughts (see where I'm going now?) and is respectful of what is written, then should he have to worry?

So what are your thoughts on the subect? Or any subject? I want to hear from my readers!

All I ask is you are mindful of what you post....other people are reading!!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

And the award goes to....

Be proud of the award. You deserve it!
Awards. Recognition. A sense of accomplishment. A piece of paper/plastic/plaque that shows that you were deserving of special notice. Many of us are very familiar with awards, dating back to the wee early years of school. If you did a good job, a gold star would go next to your name. If you did extra credit, maybe you got a few extra points on your test or grade. Even in work, the notion of recognizing those who do an above and beyond job is still very much present.

So why bring this up? It's not surprise companies use this as a motivational tool, right? I wanted to discuss this because today we have our Birthday and Service Anniversary Lunch Recognition. During this time, the company gives out two awards to employees who have displayed an above average level of work and went so high above that their manager and/or co-worker wanted to pay tribute. Seems hardly worthy of discussion, but there are a few things that irk me. And not the fact that I don't always win (hardy har har....).

I'm a strong believer in awarding those that do a good job; great job even! I'm all for motivation and making the employee/co-worker happy and ready to continue working harder. I just find it discomforting when managers don't recognize their employees and it falls to the wayside. A lot of people go to work off the saying of "pay me, don't praise me". But why can't we have both? Why do we have to wait until review time to hear how we have been doing? Would it be better to hear it once every (or every other) month or just once a year? Which one would you prefer?

I look around and see a lot of people deserving of an award. Deserving of their 15 minutes of fame. But it normally doesn't occur. You would think you would have to have performed major surgery to get any notice around here. Why is that? Why can't a customer saying "good job" to a manager be enough for the manager to say something? Why does it always have to be that once in a lifetime thing you did that gets you a pat on the back.

I don't mean to harp or be spiteful, but I think we, as a society, have placed too much importance on awards to the point where a lot of us feel that this is how we know we are heading in the right direction. I know everyone can't be superstars everyday, but we can also be noticed for our contributions.

So let's make today "Award" Day. No matter what job you do, no matter what position you are in, let today be a day for your recognition. Be proud of the work you do and be proud of your contributions to your company (and even society). Let's not let companies dictate who is better than others. Let's all deserve to be recognized!

....*kicks feet* still would be nice to have that award though....

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

So that's the new guy!

A good handshake is a great first impression!
We've all been there. We've either been the new guy (or girl) or been in the department when the new hire starts. For some, it's just another day in the office. For others, it starts to stir up a lot emotions. Who is this new person? Are they going to take my job? Will they fit in? No matter the thought, you know it's percolating up in your 'ol noggin.

I bring this up because I myself have had the privy of being not only that new hire from outside and from within, but also in a department that has a new person starting. The thoughts that come to my mind is that I hope the new person is nice, educated, and very mindful of others. I'm not one to worry about someone trying to steal my spotlight or move up ahead of me. I have always been on the notion that if someone deserves a promotion, they should be able to obtain it.

As a past store manager, I even volunteered to step down as a manager so that my assistant could take my spot (mainly because I knew he needed it more than I did at that point in my life). The district manager said no, but I wanted to use this an example to my outlook on this topic. However, there are others who view this situation from the other side of the spectrum. They feel the new person is out to get them, got hired to eventually replace that person, or just feels that this person is going to get in the person's personal space.

I'm not sure where these feelings originate from, but it's a shame that we have them. Instead of welcoming the new person with open arms, we put up our hands in defense. We try to shield them from learning too much about us or getting too comfortable in their new environment. I'm not saying this is how the majority feels, but it's evident. I also take the viewpoint that in today's economy, I'm glad someone got a job. I just hope they take it seriously and add to improving the department as opposed to making it more difficult.

I remember my first days at a new job: Am I being too nice? Am I being too quiet? Should I not be this enthusiastic? Am I giving off the wrong impression? What happens when I make my first mistake? Why is that person staring? It's a scary feeling to walk into a place where everyone but you knows each other. It's like moving to a new town or going to a new school. Will you fit in with the kids already on the playground? Will they want to be your friend or will they shun you (yes, the dreaded shun. I am all too familiar with this notion).

No matter the reason, a new hire is a new hire. It's up to them to make a good first impression, but also for the existing employees to do the same. I'm under the belief that it's better for everyone to get along and I know I will do all I can to make the new person feel welcomed.

However, that pudding cup my mom packed for me is mine; no sharing!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue...

...& Roll!
...aren't you glad that you got me, 'cause baby I got you-hoo! So yes, it's that magical time of the year called "Valentine's Day". Or "buy lots of chocolates, cards, flowers, and help the economy out" day". As you can see, the former title won out, but nevertheless, it is a good day to remember your loved one. It's also a day to reflect on the past and loved lost or loved thankfully gone away. In either case, I'm thankful for who I'm with today. So let me share you some wonderful memories of yester-year.

It was a warm August evening when I took my drive down to New Brunswick to find the elusive Brunswick Zone Bowling Alley. After about 30 minutes - 1 hour on Route 1, trying to find that exit, I eventually made it to the parking lot. But not before first speaking to my, now-fiancee, on the phone along with her dad for directions. After parking the car, meeting her parents (on the 1st day...can somebody say nervous?), we went inside to bowl. What began as a friendly conversation and teeny bit competitive date, we decided to go get some food. So, it was off to the local mall by her house that had a Ruby Tuesday (note to everyone: never go to Ruby Tuesday on a first date).

At Ruby Tuesday, we were seated fairly quickly and got to know our waitress VERY well! She thought it be best if she started vacuuming our section while we were still eating since she had to go home to visit her mother. She made that point again when she asked if we could leave the tip before she left. AWWWKKKKWARD! So, as we sat and talked, got to know each other, it really felt like catching up with an old friend. There wasn't any of that weird pauses or shifty eyes to the clock, but a very nice evening. So we finished up and we headed back to drop her off at her house. Now please bear in mind that her house is literally down the road and across the street from the mall. It can't be more than a 5 minute drive. Yet somehow, she got me lost...

See, even though I suggested using the trusty ol GPS, she was confident that she could get me to her house. Instead, we ended up at Rutgers University, a good 15-20 minutes away. So what else could we do? We went for a stroll on the campus and she showed me some lovely spots. We also took silly pictures and I knew I found my soul-mate. Who else wouldn't mind getting lost on a first date with a stranger and just taking goofy pictures on walkways and by puddles (passion puddles even!). After a while, I took her home (with the GPS turned on) and the rest is history.

So here we are, just celebrating our 29 month anniversary (or 2 years and 5 months for those mathematically challenged) and we're getting married in just 9 short months. So Happy Valentine's to you my love and to everyone else who have found their significant other. Their best friend, amigo (or amiga), compadre, and confidant. Here's to all of you that show that with patience, a J-Date account, and a mutual friend, you can really find your "one".


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Do you know what your "dream job" is?

Dream Job + Jon = Sign!
So yesterday I made a post (which I quickly retracted and deleted), that focused on dream jobs. I feel that I came across the wrong way and in a way in which I made some accusations to certain professions and companies. For that (for anybody who read it), I apologize. Allow me to reiterate my thoughts in a way that I hope is more concise with how I truly feel about the subject and to not offend anybody along the way.

The topic is your dream job? It's that job that you may have wanted since you were little or as recent as a few weeks ago. Whatever the length of time, you know this is a job you just would LOVE to have. It's that job that would make you giddy with joy, happy to wake up in the morning, sing on your commute, and feel such a sense of gratitude doing day in and day out.

But what is your dream job? Is it something manual that you do with your hands? Is it something that you do with computers? Is it a game of "Guess Who?" where you keep eliminating criteria and whittle down the various possibilities, haha? There are so many jobs out there so how does one truly know what they want? I know this is starting to sound more like a Q & Q instead of a Q & A, but this subject poses a lot of questions and inquiries.

So let's start answering some of those questions with my own thoughts on the matter. For me, the dream job is one where I am doing marketing. I've hesitated on picking a specific field, but I really enjoy advertising and promotional marketing. Nothing tickles my fancy (odd saying) than teasing at a new product (or comic book) with a one page ad that may show just a few words or maybe a picture or maybe just a symbol. Also, I like that feeling of getting the consumer excited about something up and coming. It's those little ads that I look forward to during the day on my comic sites, but more importantly, I believe it's a crucial first piece of contact between the product/company and the consumer. So I would have to say I would really love to work in an industry that revolves around products that I enjoy (movies, comics, or games).

Another aspect of my job I would enjoy is the ability to tele-commute in bad weather or have that flexibility of making a reasonable schedule. What if I have a doctor's appointment on a Wednesday, but I'm doing nothing on Saturday. If my projects aren't due in a short time frame, why not substitute those days as opposed to having to use up vacation or personal time for a quick appointment. And if that is not an option, then how about letting me work from home as soon as I'm done with the appointment to make up the lost time?

I would also like to work with a group of individuals (maybe not all the time, but definitely in a team environment) that shares the same passion as I. What better feeling is there (back to the questions) than working with like minded individuals who bring something new and exciting to the table? We're all working on the same goal and are vested in the product.

So that's my dream job in a nutshell. What's yours? What do you want to wake up and do 5 days a week? What would bring you joy to talk about and to share with others?

Please, share your thoughts and let's start making our dream job become a reality *insert cheesy motivational music here*

Friday, February 4, 2011

Whistle while you (drive to) work!

I promise, all the Disney pictures are coincidental. Really!
It's that time again. The alarm clock has rung (multiple times), you're dressed, brushed, and out that door. You get into your car to start your morning commute and what's the first thing you do? If you're like me, you turn on the radio and listen to some music. For me, I have my iPod hooked up to an adapter, so I have a lot of genres and bands to choose from.

Yes, music is what helps my commute go faster and more enjoyable in the morning and in the evening when I leave work. Some people opt to listen to the news or has a favorite radio station, but for me it's the iPod. At times, there may be only one band I listen to on repeat for weeks, before finally choosing someone else or hitting "shuffle". No matter who I'm listening to, I have to have music playing as I'm driving.

So what music do you listen to? Who are your favorite bands? Which artists would you play in the morning and would they be the same on your way home? Are you like me and play fast music and then end up speeding because you pretend to be a speed racer? Yeah, me neither *wink wink*. I'm hoping with today's blog, I'll actually have some comments as to who to listen to.

However, before you wonderful readers can make suggestions, you'd have to know my preference. Currently, I'm listening to: The Bravery, The Kooks, The Rakes, Black Kids, Panic! at the Disco, The Young Knives, The Killers, Plain White T's, and possibly some show tunes. What? I'm not allowed to sing "To Life" and "If I were a Rich Man?" I do enjoy a lot of European bands for some reason (could be the accent), but I'm typically open to anything that has a good beat. I've been known to listen to Lady Gaga and other pop stars that are hot right now (but please, no Justin Bieber!).

I do love music. I love to hear that song for the first time and then find the lyrics online to sing along. I love to get that one great song on "shuffle" that just sums up the day you're having, or possibly lets you scream out your frustration. I mean, would I look like that weirdo if you were driving next to me? You bet your tuchus! But still, it'd look like a fun party you kinda/maybe wish you were invited to.

So with the weekend upon us and one more drive (on the way home) from work this week, who are you going to listen to? Are you going to be singing some pop, listen to country, or rock out to hard metal? No matter what you choose, just remember that no matter how good you may think you sing in the car, you probably shouldn't try out for American Idol.

At least that's what my parents tell me.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I'm going to be SOOOOOOO late!!!!!

I'm late. I'm late. For a very important date...
Well not really. But there are those times where we're running late in the morning. Be it the alarm clock didn't work or maybe we just kept hitting the snooze button, there are many reasons for this. In fact, it could be that you just overslept or just refused to leave on time. Maybe it's the traffic or something with your car. Maybe you got into an argument with someone in your household that caused you to not leave on time. Regardless of the reason, one fact remains: You're late for work.

There's no worse feeling for those who are monitored by the clock by their supervisor/manager. You know what I'm talking about. You're running into the building, already past your start time and you get that knot in your stomach. You worry about being written up or talked about amongst your co-workers. It's a crappy feeling, plain and short. Although, if you are of the select that get to choose your hours or possibly work from home, you're in a much favorable position.

Today, I completely miscalculated the time I thought it would take to chisel my car out of the block of ice it was encased within. On top of that, I left the house only a few minutes earlier than normal, thinking this would be sufficient. Needless to say, when I realized that the ice wasn't being scraped away, I started to panic. You should have seen me attack my car with my scraper. At points, it appeared as if I was making an ice sculpture, what with all the ice flying in the air. I didn't even think to do it discreetly in case I was being too loud. I was banging, scraping, and mildly cussing at my predicament.

Eventually, I got enough of the ice off my front and back windshield and made my way to work. I decided to go on the highway instead of the backroads, considering I already lost about 20 minutes working on my car. As I was cruising along and making good time, I was almost at work when I ran (or should I stay stopped dead) in traffic. I could see my exit, but couldn't get to it. Out of nowhere, all the cars decided to just start crawling along at 1-2 miles per hour and I was anxiously looking at the clock and how much distance I had left.

I then made it to my parking garage, parked the car, chiseled the rest of the ice on my windshield wipers (as it left my right wiper disfigured) and quickly made my way to my desk. With 3 minutes left until 8:30, I plugged my computer in, logged into the phone, and breathed a deep sigh of relief. So here I am now, fully caught up with my work from a day ago (our office was closed yesterday, w00t!) and I am writing this post.

But yeah...late to work. It's not a pleasant experience and for those who aren't used to it, I don't wish it on anyone. But for those who are always late (and you know who you are), shame on you! Then again, it's not like the world would have ended if I did come in a few minutes late.

But I'm not going to be the one to find that out!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I had the weirdest dream last night...

*snore*Oh no! Not....8-BITS?*snore* how the story usually begins. I come into work (see, I was able to relate it to the workplace) and someone starts their conversation off like this. Or if you're like me, your fiancee texts you with these words. Regardless, this post today is about a dream that I remember bits and pieces about. It just felt so vivid and in lack of a better word, AWESOME, that I just wanted to share with all my readers. Plus, if you're looking out the window at the snowy/rainy/ugly day outside (while you are at work), maybe this will brighten up your morning.

So where was I? Oh yes, I remember hanging out with my friend John at someone's house. The room we were in did not resemble any room I recalled, but it did take place in a bedroom (not that kind of story, sheesh!) and a living room. What I remember was is that were giving fighting lessons to people and I had a super-power. That's right, my power was that I was able to look at any action figure (in this case it was X-Men action figures) and I could turn into that person. So, if I looked at the Wolverine action figure, I was able to transform my body into that of Wolverine as well as get his powers. Oh yes, this did happen (in my dream).

After I changed into Wolverine, I went into the living room to fight this guy and his daughter (I think) for a little bit. I remember the TV was on, but I do not know what was playing. We fought for a bit and then I decided I wanted Cyclops powers, so I went back into the bedroom looking for the action figure. I couldn't find it, but was holding a Magneto or Sentinel figure when John came in and say "Don't be cheap and turn into one of them". I said I wasn't and was looking for Cyclops. Stay with me people, it gets weirder.

After a bit of searching, the guy (who I presume to be the father) and his wife (who just appeared out of nowhere) came in and saw that Madagascar was playing on the TV. We started into a conversation pertaining to children's movies and if I liked them. I told them I never saw the second Madagascar (I don't even know if there was a second one) and that my taste for movies had changed. At that point, I think I found the Cyclops figure, but woke up from my dream.

I tried desperately to try and go back to that dream, but alas, it was too late. I was unable to return and was now forced to just write it down like a past memory. But yeah, that was morning before I found out I had to travel in the worsening weather. I'm now safe and sound at work, but worry as to how the roads will be later today. I'm hoping we will be able to leave early before all the cars are on the road, but who knows?

Sometimes I think this job is a bad dream (see what I did there?!).

Monday, January 31, 2011

Weekend Recap for 01/29/2011-01/30/2011

Aww, it's a cat. Upside down. Yeah, you know it's cute!
Howdy and good morning y'all! I hope you are all having a lovely sunny and cold Monday morning. As it is Monday, it must be time for another *drum roll* WEEKEND RECAP! Oh I get so excited about these recaps. Really I do. It's a fun time to reflect back on the yonder-years (well 2 days to be exact) and highlight all the fun adventures. So what did I do this weekend? Wouldn't you like to know? Oh fine, just look below....

ComicDrawer boxes. The wave of the future!
Saturday, January 29, 2010 So this weekend I ended up not visiting my fiancee. It was her dad's birthday (shout-out to Mr. Keller on his B-Day) and Shanna and her family went off and celebrated. I, however, was left in Rockaway to go to Temple and then just relax. I did make a trip up to Madison, NJ to visit my friend at Dewey's Comic City. If you're ever in the area, check it out. They have a great selection of new comics, toys, and trades. Most imporantly, they carry ComicDrawers, which are awesome comic boxes designed to make sorting and organizing much easier. Please take a look at the picture above.

 Afterwards, I came home to watch the shows I had recorded on the DVR as well as more of Oz Season 4 and finally Spider-Man 2.1. Can you believe I never saw the 8 minutes of additional footage in the second Spider-Man movie? I won't say that it greatly changed the movie for the better or worse, but it was enjoyable to see more of the movie. Looking back, I don't think these movies were as good as I thought, but that could be because I'm more into the comics now and view the character differently than how Mr. Tobey M. played him. Plus, is it just me or was Aunt May just too old and useless in that movie? I'm not knocking old(er) people, but I definitely prefer her in the comics and the Ultimate Marvel universe. I don't want to sound mean, but I wouldn't have minded if she went the way of Uncle Ben...if you know what I mean?!

Overall Score: ComicDrawer Box? Yes Please!

Sunday, January 30, 2011 On Sunday, I went to my Aunt and Uncle's house for my cousin's 18th birthday party. I can't believe how grown up she got. She's actually going to be moving to Israel toward the end of this year. We did have a great brunch with some homemade pizza, as well as: vegetable soup, cheesecake, donuts, salad, and potato knishes and some other stuff. Afterwards, I came home, continued watching Oz Season 4, finished Spider-Man 2.1, and watched the Green Lantern: First Flight Animated Movie.

I must say, I am actually disappointed (I know, I know. I actually didn't LOVE a movie for once) in the movie. I feel that the plot was thin, moved way too fast, and there was barely any dialogue. Within the first 5 minutes, Hal Jordan got the ring and then it was off to space to just fight, fight, fight! Oh well, I got the movie for like $8, so I'm not going to complain.

Overall Score: Yay for B-Day brunch, but eh for the Green Lantern Movie. Let's hope the live action is better.

So that was my weekend. How about yours? What'd you do? Take a few minutes of your morning, make a post, and share your past weekend plans. But whatever you do, DO NOT WATCH the Green Lantern Animated Movie. *shudder*....can't get clean...

Friday, January 28, 2011

Oooh goody it's Friday. Let's see what's on the DVR!

It sure is Pooh. It sure is.
Howdy fellow workers! I hope you've had an enjoyable and productive work week. Maybe you were one of the lucky ones to leave early, come in late, or stay home due to the snowstorm this week. Regardless, it is Friday. Another week gone by and a 2 day weekend to look forward to. For me, I am especially looking forward to the weekend and not look forward to it at the same time. Intrigued? Read on (and even if you're not, please read on!).

Since my TV shows have started coming back on the air in full force, I haven't had time to watch them during the week. I come home late after the gym and those few hours in the evening that I can call my own, I tend to want to do other things than watch TV. Yet, that is what the DVR is for. It lets you fast-forward through commercials, re-watch funny scenes, and give you the option of watching a plethora (vocabulary word for the day) of shows in any order you want. Since I have watched a few of the shows this week, this is what is awaiting me at home:

  1. Community
  2. Parks and Recreation
  3. Outsourced
  4. Fringe
  5. Friday Night Lights
  6. Kitchen Nightmares
  7. Archer
I will probably start tonight and finish them either Saturday or Sunday. On top of that, I hope to clean my room and throw out some junk. A cluster-free room leads to a life? Yeah, let's go with that!

At this point, you may be asking why I wouldn't be looking forward to the weekend? Go on, ask. Yes you in the back. The reason I'm not looking forward to it is because I don't get to see my fiancee this weekend. That's one of the downsides of having a long-distance relationship. It's not as easy as just driving a few minutes or meeting up somewhere. We have to plan in advance for our little bit of time together and when other plans come up, it delays us hanging out. But that's alright because once we're married (November 13, 2011 baby!), it will no longer be an issue.

So enough about me (even though it is my blog, remember?). How about you? I always want to hear from our readers and see what your plans are. Do anything fun? Going anywhere? Watching anything? Fill up those comment spaces and share your thoughts.

One other request I have for my viewers are: What do you want to see from this blog? We're almost going into the 2nd month since it's opening and I want to know what everyone looks forward to reading about. Or maybe what you don't want to hear about anymore? I want feedback. I need feedback. I CRAVE FEEDBACK *wipes foam from mouth*. Well that was awkward, but enough rambling.

Share your thoughts and tune in on Monday. Same cubicle time. Same cubicle channel.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

This Just In: 2 Hour Delay & A Death in the "Fantastic Four" Family!

2 Hour Delay! w00t!
What better way to start the work day than with a text from your co-worker stating that there has been a 2 hour delay. So instead of waking up early and trying to make it to work between 8:00-8:30a.m., you now get to come in for 10:00a.m. What's that you say? It's only an hour and a half of a difference? Well shame on you good sir for not taking into account those extra minutes of happiness.

For you see, I made good use of that time this morning. On top of that, I still woke up at my usual 6:30-7:00a.m., which allowed me to really enjoy the morning. I woke up, actually had breakfast, read some educational books (OK, it was comics; happy?!), read some Torah (yes, I am quite scholarly), and actually woke up and not feel groggy. I got to enjoy the sky turn brighter, the sun come out, and watch all the plows hard at work trying to clean up my development. But that wasn't even the best part.

The best part was driving to work in less traffic than normal and working a little shorter than the other days of the week. Because if you remember your time as a student, a 2 hour delay always made the day go by quicker. Classes were shorter and everything just seemed to speed up. Don't ask me why this is because I'm not a physicist, but I am a former student. Before I even knew it, I started writing this blog at 1:05p.m.. IT WAS JUST 10:00A.M. FOR GOSH SAKES!!!

But the most important thing is that you just feel better. I'm not sure why our brains work the way they do, but I do know that it's always a much better feeling coming in later to work and still leaving at the same time.

NOT #5!!!!! (inside joke people, c'mon!)
Before I end this post for today, I would like to take a moment in all seriousness and pay respects to a recently departed Fantastic Four member. For those who follow this family's adventures, you know by now that one of their own has met his unfortunate end. So as you're enjoying your 2 hour delay (or snow day), please remember the hard work that the Fantastic Four have done for the Marvel Universe and raise a glass in honor.

Now if you'll *sniff* excuse me, I have to get back to work.

R.I.P. Fantastic Four Member #5 ;)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Everybody's gone surfin'!

A cat surfing the web? That's A-dorable! Plus a little freaky to be honest.
Surfing the Internet. The focus of today's post is one very dear to me. In fact, if it wasn't for surfing the Internet, where would I be without video game FAQs, YouTube videos, and of course Blogs. The Internet has provided me with countless hours of insight, entertainment, and wisdom. From free online games to website about nothing (

So why talk about something so obvious to everyone? It's because the Internet helps me (and probably you) make it through the day. Think about it for a minute. Who's there to pick you up from your afternoon boredom? The Internet. Who's there to make you laugh with a silly video of monkeys and poo? The Internet. Who's there to mend a broken heart? Duh! Your parents. But it's a good chance they read an article on the Internet.

If it wasn't for the Internet, I wouldn't have gotten the idea to start a blog at work to help me get through the day. Sharing my thoughts and hoping for feedback from my readers (we're up to 4 now!).  But I feel we need to give thanks to this awesome piece of technology to save us from the mundane work week. I for one love the act of minimizing the screen as a co-worker walks by, just to maximize it and continue reading whatever it is I was reading. If not for the Internet, how would I know about all the great sales on Amazon? Without the Internet, there would be no Amazon!!!!

But enough praise (for now). As I type this post up, looking outside at the snow coming down, it made me thankful to have a place at work to go to get away Let's be honest for a minute: We're not always busy with work and there are moments throughout our day where we have a moment to breathe, sit back, and just sigh some relief. During those moments, why not jump online, read something quick/watch something quick, and then get back to the day? I guarantee it would help make the day go faster and more enjoyable.

Who wants to sit staring at an inbox all day or an inventory screen? I sure don't, but I'm supposed to. Even if there is no work to be done (not often, but it does occur). Why is it not allowed to surf the web in your free time? Who says you have to be working every second of your shift? So what if I'm not busy the whole day? Does that make me or you a bad employee? No! If anything, it makes you a diligent and efficient worker. Yet, some co-workers and management frown on not having anything to do.

So let's weigh the options: Work slower to drag it out all day or do your work first and then spend a few moments online? I vote for the latter and I don't think I'm alone. But I can't assume so let's hear what the readers have to say. That's right! Time for you to post some comments and share your thoughts. You know you love the Internet as much as the next cubicle-enclosed worker. You know the Internet is the closest thing to your friend at your desk next to that red stapler.

In short : Thank you Internet for being legen-Jewish people cannot mix meat and-dary!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Oh no! Not........T-R-A-F-F-I-C!!!

You all know it. And we all hate it. TRAFFIC. At some point in our adult lives, we have been stuck in traffic. In fact, I believe that if it's not the perfect ideal driving weather (a little sunny, but not too bright), no one knows how to drive. Rain? Traffic. Snow. Traffic. Morning? Traffic. Is there no escape?!

Now some of us are smart about our daily commute. We find back roads, leave early, carpool, and find alternative means to making it on time to our job. The job that requires us to be at our desk on time on the dot. I won't speak for everyone, but from my personal experience, my managers have seemed to be oblivious to the fact that there are some things out of our control.

"Why were you 2 minutes late today?" my manager would ask.

"It's not my fault. A school bus full of orphaned children bringing kittens to a shelter got a flat tire. They closed the whole lane and had to redirect traffic. On top of that, the lights went out, 6' of snow fell on the ground, and my house is on fire" would be my response.

"Well, I still expect you to be on time, on the phone, and ready to work at 8:30a.m." is her retort.

At this point, some of you may be thinking that this scenario is a little far fetched (and not the Pokemon might I add), but we've all had reasons why we are late. And for those of us who are always on time, always stay late when asked, and do whatever is expected of us, we shouldn't have be interrogated when we are a few minutes past our start point. I mean, we didn't do it on purpose.

So we're stuck in traffic. We make the phone call to our supervisor/manager, inform them we are going to be late, and then wonder what kind of punishment will rain down on us once we arrive. For those who have understanding managers (and I do believe I have one now), it is a much more pleasing feeling working into the workplace late than walking into a manager who is naive that nothing ever goes wrong. Think about it; that manager is always on time (minus the fact that she could work from home if she wanted to) and expects everyone to follow her example.

Well I'm done apologizing for things beyond my control. I can't control the weather, I can't control other drivers, and I can't control traffic (unless I'm a traffic coordinator, heehee). What I will do is call into the office if I will be late to give them a head's up and that's it. I won't get knots in my stomach anymore and I won't care what snickering comments my co-workers feel they have the right to say.

The only thing I will do is leave a teeny tiny bit earlier tomorrow. It is supposed to snow, you know?

Monday, January 24, 2011

Weekend Recap for 1/22/2011-1/23/2011

Good afternoon loyal readers (yes, you three). On Mondays, I would like to institute the "Weekend Recap" blog post. It's a way to reflect on the past two days, see what we did, and start the week off on a happy note. So without further delay, here is how I spent my weekend.

Saturday, January 22nd:
The main highlight of my weekend was hanging out with my fiancee, our friends, and the meet-up group that one of our friend's run. We all met at the Bridgewater Ice Rink in Bridgewater, NJ to partake in some fun afternoon ice skating. With only two falls, I would call it a success. We had a lot of fun, met some new people, and then went out to eat (always my favorite part) at the Bridgewater Diner. After I came home, I went over my friend's house to finish watching season 1 of Archer (a very funny cartoon on FX about a bumbling spy agency). 

Overall score: 5/5 

Sunday, January 23rd:
Ok, I know I said the highlight of my weekend was seeing my fiancee, which it totally was, but there was another high point for me. It was the monthly Comic Convention held in the Ramada Inn in East Hanover, NJ. ::Cough::Plug::Cough:: ( It was a lot of fun, hung out with a friend, and bought a ton of comics. I would also like to take this time to apologize to my soon-to-be-wife for the lack of money we will have in the coming months for indoor plumbing. *awkward pause*

But yeah, aside from just going to the comic convention and then going to Baha Fresh for lunch, I believe I started on the path of networking. See, I like to help out and volunteer whenever I can, so I emailed the coordinator for these comic conventions and asked him if I could help out. He told me that he didn't need any help this time, but he would contact me hopefully in February or March (they do 2 conventions a month). On top of that, he introduced me to a few dealers at the show, but the fact that I may be able to help orchestrate and play a part in organizing these events is something I would really enjoy to do. Only time will tell.

In the evening, I watched Slapshots, which is a comedy from the 80s. I thought it was pretty funny and ever since my dad just got Netflix, we've been watching a LOT of movies.

Overall Score: Awesome!!!!

So that was my weekend. Hung out. Bought stuff. Watched stuff. Ate stuff. It was good, but it went by too fast. Yet, I felt great waking up to a freezing cold Monday morning (seriously, 3 degrees?!). I'm looking forward to the week and maybe even a snow day on Wednesday, teehee.

So how about you? How was your weekend? Please share. I'll be your best friend if you do!